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Author Interview: Robert White

Writer: blkdogpublishingblkdogpublishing

1.What inspired you to become a writer?

Words have always fascinated me and from my early school days to throughout a long and successful public relations career, the many facets of creative writing have continued to appeal to me.

2. What's your favourite book of all time?

“Moby Dick” by Herman Melville. A diverse maritime tale that also reflects characters and situations from life in general – brilliantly and descriptively written.

3. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

You must be passionate about wanting to write. Stay true to your intentions and be prepared for lots of hard knocks along the way!

4. What is the most frustrating thing about being an author?

The continual pressure and effort required to get your work noticed. Writing the book is the easy part!

5. What's your favourite movie?

Hard to decide. Either “Dances With Wolves” starring Kevin Costner or “The Last of the Mohicans” starring Daniel Day Lewis. The stunning locations and panoramic landscapes add to the quality of the script and acting performances in both movies.

6. What's better, dogs or cats?

Cats – every time! Intelligent, mysterious and independent they cunningly weave their way into your heart and home.

7. If money was no object, how would you spend your life?

I’d set up a broadly-based trust fund/charity to administer help and resources to benefit small deserving causes.

8. Do you draw from personal experiences when you write?

Sometimes, but it depends on the subject matter. Whether writing fact or fiction good research is also essential.

9. What is more important?

Strong characters or a strong storyline? I think they are both equally important. It’s all a question of getting the right balance.

10. What advice would you give to first time writers when submitting their work to publishers or literary agents?

Don’t expect miracles! It’s a long journey and be prepared for plenty of criticism and rejection – but never give up and move on to your next writing project with a positive outlook.

Find out more about Robert White and his book Robin Hood: The Legacy of a Folk Hero by clicking here.


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