
Author Interview: Teresa Fowler
I've been writing since I was a teen... I just didn't know it. I've always had trouble sleeping and used to make up Dynasty style stories in

New Release: Click Bait by Gillian Philip
A funny joke’s a funny joke. Eddie Doolan doesn’t think twice about adapting it to fit a tragic local news story and posting it on social...

New Release: Dark and Light Tales of Ripton Town by John Decarteret - Audiobook Version
Dark and Light Tales of Ripton Town is a collection of short stories by John Decarteret, set in a strange town where nothing, and no one,...

New Release: Thin Blue Rhymes: A Charity Collection of Limericks
Purchase 'Thin Blue Rhymes: A Charity Collection of Limericks' ​ Amazon (US): click here Amazon (UK) click here Amazon (Canada): click...